"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." ~Amelia Earhart
It's one thing to think that you might need to lose 20 pounds...~ish. It's another thing entirely to look yourself squarely in the mirror and tell that girl in there that it's time to stop Mickey-Mousing around and admit that you are going to have to buy a larger size pants...again. And that shopping for clothes has almost completely lost it's enjoyment for you, which is totally unacceptable. It is therefore time to make a change. Immediately. Because if I can't enjoy shopping, life may have lost a significant part of its luster.
After much thought (and weeping and gnashing of teeth), I have decided that this is a project that I cannot accomplish on my own. Now I have the most supportive of all husbands, which I think I may have mentioned previously. He has done the South Beach Diet with me, which involved giving up his beloved Chips Ahoy for over six weeks, and would stand right by me whatever course I chose. But the Major is much to smart to stand between me and chocolate if I really want it. So I needed some outside accountability.
And so, on October 8th, I joined Weight Watchers. And plan to spend the next 365 days getting back to a reasonable weight (ie: perhaps the one I was at when the Major met me?) Getting married in 2008 was one of the most beautiful miracles of my entire life, and the Major and my two step-kids are a constant sweetness to me....and I have the constant fat on my ass to prove it! A husband who constantly works out and growing kids can basically eat what they want. Not so, yours truly. So it is time to woman-up and do something about it. A change here and a change there~a little at a time and I know I can do it! (I want to look as good as Jennifer Hudson! LOL)
Week One is over and I feel like I did great...this morning I go find out if the scale agrees (gulp!) Fingers & Toes crossed, please.
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