Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

So I expected that the combination of work, work, work and the holiday excitement would postpone my blogging, and I was correct.
Now that work is over, and Christmas has passed in all its Christmasy-glory, and the ball has officially dropped on the New Year (not to mention I have caught up on my sleep for about a week), I'm ready to resume the Countdown!

I have accomplished a few things since my last post...I have completed two Breast Self-Exams (one for November and one for December, as evidenced by the little pink ribbons at the bottom of this post~so right on schedule there), and I finished reading The Story of My Life by Helen Keller. (Very good book, and a nice short read.)

And I figured out who one of my heros is, two actually. After hosting 11 people at my house for Christmas Day, including breakfast AND Christmas Lunch (yes, that is lunch with a capital "L"), it is obvious that my Mom and my Aunt Ginna have attained heroine status in my eyes. Both of them entertain beautifully and make it look like a snap...which I knew it was not, but knowing in theory, and KNOWING in practice are two totally different things! So thanks to the two of them for all the many wonderful meals that they have hosted over my lifetime. And here's to hoping that I will be a bit more prepared next time around.

Now with a fresh new year at my disposal, I'm on to another countdown challenge. Best wishes for a wonderful 2010.

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